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Diary 2nd of June - life in furlough

I am still furloughed. But life is happening and I haven't officially worked for over 2 months now but still trying to keep busy. I thought it would be interesting to document what my average day looks like during this insane time. It was a very productive day actually, not all days looks like this. I definitely spent days in the last few months lying in bed, scrolling Instagram and watching drama videos on Youtube.


7 am - wake up because the cat jumps on me and starts purring and demanding scratches (it is the second time she does this morning, the first time she got ignored...)

8 am - stay in bed till about 8.30 am slowly waking up and then reading for half an hour or so. Exercise for 20 minutes - I like Nike training app for that.

9 am - Shower and get dressed - slowly.

9.30 am - go to the kitchen and set myself up for the day. Meditate and journal for 30 minutes to get into the flow and set intentions for the day.

10 am - go through my emails (both work and personal, work ones mainly consist of me deleting spam). Using Forest app, I set myself two-hour window to proofread, edit and submit my assignment for CIPD that I finished writing yesterday.

12 pm - lunchtime. Had lunch with Calum, we had yesterday's vegan lasagne and salad. I even treated myself to a small glass of rose to celebrate the submission of assignment number seven. Only one more to go now! After lunch chill out for a bit - I am a bit obsessed with paint by number app right now so spent a bit of time colouring things in...

1.30 pm - back at the table to work on personal development - future planning and a bit of online learning. I have been completing courses on Udemy, which I quite enjoy. Great way to learn new skills.

4 pm - had a very early dinner and spent the next few hours watching youtube and chilling.

7 pm - started a new online course - Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher. Managed to go through first module and submit the first assignment.

8 pm - spent a bit of time scrolling through instagram. Found a new Vipassana meditation on Spotify and meditated for 15 minutes.

9 pm - I like to be in bed for around 9ish to read and start getting ready for sleep. I tend to read a few books at the same time, as I get bored. So after a few chapters from three different books, it is sleeping time. I think I fell asleep around 10.30is.


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